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Week 10, between renderings, projects and classes, the sun is still shining! Here’s a little email to share some love and weekly tips.
Wouldn’t you be amazing by any chance?
What mode of transport for tomorrow? Join us at the Sustainability Dialogue this evening – 6:30 PM to discuss our modes of transportation and urban planning. Join the debate! |
Which organization for the exams? Information will be given on the winter session and the fall semester at the Town Hall tomorrow at 6 PM ! AGEPoly will be there to represent you, send us your questions. |
AGEPoly’s Prevention Department has set up PolyPrev Bridge to counter loneliness. In case of hard times, send a message here and we come to help you! |
How are the online courses run? Your feedback is essential for teachers in this period! Give it on IS-Academia until November 22nd. |
What future for AGEPoly? Come and vote at the General Assembly on Wednesday, November 25th by registering. You will then receive the Zoom link to attend! |
AGEP got Talents
Here, you probably have friends who are great in music, painting, humor, … in short in anything other than classes.
Well it’s time to take advantage of it, let him or her send a video of his or her best talent to animation@agepoly.ch and win many prizes!!!
How about taking care of yourself?
Well-being is essential! To help you maintain it, here are a few tools that have been put in place:
sport via online courses for free,
Bot Telegram to keep the social life of the campus going @PairMeUpBot,
challenges to do “TogetherAtHome” on our social medias,
SAE social counselling for individual support, and much more!
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