Why talk about the working environment?

This notion of “environment” concerns the workplace itself, but also the whole context around it, the place where people live and relax. This concerns, among other things

  • Nutrition
  • Physical activity
  • Sleep
  • Comfort at work

All of these factors are key to a healthy lifestyle. If any one of them is missing or neglected, it can impact on the others (e.g. poor sleep due to poor diet) and compromise overall health.

The aim of this PolyPrev theme is to provide knowledge and simple tools to improve these aspects of our daily lives and thus ultimately to take care of ourselves.

Edition 2020-2021 (Automn)

Website “Studying Tips”

Because of the online course and the impossibility of doing events on campus, we had to adapt this PolyPrev to be done remotely. Many “tips” can be found abundantly online, however, even a wise and proactive mind can get lost in the multitude of sometimes contradictory advice and tips.

With this in mind and the winter revision period approaching, we set up a dedicated website. Members of the Prevention team have taken on the task of regularly publishing verified content during much of the revision and exam period.

This website and its content is still accessible –> here <– !

The content is organised around the following themes

  • Wellness
  • Exercise
  • Work Environment
  • Nutrition
  • Resources


For this edition we were able to count on people and structures with good advice on the subject:

  • Virginie Séchaud: founder of Real Holistic Nutrition, gave us a good in-house briefing on the impact of nutrition on our health and abilities as well as advice that could be applied more specifically to a student context. She also agreed to make short explanatory videos that we have shared on our website, so go and have a look!
  • The Sport and Health University Center UNIL-EPFL (CSS): throughout the semester, revisions and exams, the CSS produced short videos to maintain a form of physical exercise through mini sessions of Yoga, Physio, etc.

Thanks to Maxime and Benjamin for taking care of this edition of PolyPrev Work Environment 😀

Previous Editions

2019-2020: PolyPrev Working Environment