Conférences Respect 101

The PolyPrev “Respect 101” conferences aim to raise awareness among the EPFL community on the various themes of respect, namely living together and human exchanges.

Les Dialogues Durabilité

Whether on campus, in Switzerland or internationally, ecological awareness is increasing day by day. Young people and students are often the driving force. AGEPoly has taken the initiative to organize, in the fall semester of 2019, a meeting between students and management on this topic. Based on the success of this event, it has decided to set up a series of five conferences in the spring semester of 2020, the Sustainability Dialogues, with the support of EPFL.

The aim of this initiative is to stimulate debate on topics related to sustainable development, which young graduates will have to face throughout their career as engineers and citizens. During these dialogues, particular emphasis is put on the exchange between the public and the speakers. If you have any questions or comments about these events, please contact AGEPolytique at