The representation of the student body at EPFL starts with the class representatives, who link students to their teachers as well as their sections. AGEPoly backs, coordinates, trains and informs the class representatives through multiple entities and meetings, that are also made concrete through projects such as the ones below.

The rights of students are governed by the LEX: these are the laws and internal rules determining the inner workings of EPFL. Click here to know more about your rights as a student [link].

Should you have any questions or comments regarding these subjects, please do not hesitate to contact the Student Representation department of AGEPoly: contact page.

If you want to stay up to date on all news regarding student representation and to react to them in real time, subscribe to the following Telegram channel:!

To read about older projects: archives page.


Distinction of excellence

The Conference of Section Directors (CDS) aims to standardize the practice of awarding the 'mention d'excellence' (distinction of excellence), by establishing it for all master's programs within the school according to the same rules.


Representation-EPFL Board meeting of Spring 2024

The topics covered included: Gaza, food at EPFL, anonymization of exam copies, Bassenges farm, and more.


Legal service

AGEPoly is equipping itself with a legal advisory service for study-related questions.


Limitation of BA1 admissions

Starting 2025, the school will limit the admission to BA1.


Admission to a non-consecutive master

Starting from 24/25, the minimum grade of 4.5 to apply for a non-consecutive master's program after completing a bachelor's degree will no longer exist.


Representation at FMEL

The Foundation Council of FMEL contains an AGEPoly representative.


Optimization of classroom assignments

It appears that simply swapping some classrooms between classes reduces the problem of classroom overbooking.


Communication of exam results

AGEPoly is questioning the way exam results are communicated.


(No)-increase in tuition fees

The ETH Board was considering increasing tuition fees for non-Swiss students at EPFL and ETH Zurich, against the wishes of the administrations of these two schools. However, this ultimately did not happen.


Flexibilization of studies

A working group including AGEPoly is working to relax the rules regarding the maximum duration of studies at EPFL.


Keeping the best grade

When choosing to retake a failed course, one also forfeits their previous grade. AGEPoly is working towards preserving the better of the two grades obtained.


Project: Replacement for Raised Hand

Have you ever had to wait for assistance in a tutoring session by raising your hand for a very, very long time?


Replacement of IS Academia: PLEXUS

IS Academia will be replaced as part of the PLEXUS project.


Representation-EPFL Board meeting of Fall 2023

The topics covered included: campus catering, workload, respect at EPFL, etc.


Bicycles on Campus

Since Summer, we have 150 new parking spots for bicycles, and 200 more to come!


Sustainability Dialogue - Education

In March 2023, a conference on the topic of the relation between sustainability and education has taken place, in collaboration with the Convergence.


RTS on Campus

RTS is coming to campus. AGEPoly is trying to facilitate their cohabitation with the existing population, and eventually to find ways to collaborate.


Restaurants and microwaves

Food at EPFL has been a frustrating topic for a while. From the lack of micro-waves to unreasonable prices, student representatives and AGEPoly have tackled all sorts of problems. Some solutions have been found, other issues remain under discussion.


Power outlets in buildings

The lack of power outlets in buildings is a scourge at EPFL, AGEPoly is working on it! More details through the link below.


Architecture Section

As the architecture section is emotionally separated from the rest of EPFL, AGEPoly tries to maintain regular contact with the representatives of this section to fix systemic issues.


Deferred exams and exam reviews

There is no possibility to retake an exam outside of the established regular session. This poses a problem for many reasons and is often brought up by representatives to the administration. Additionally, there is a lack of precise rules regarding exam review sessions, which creates major issues for students. A working group including AGEPoly and professors is examining these issues.


Integration of Student Rep. in Faculty Councils and School Assemblies in the ARES-CERES system

Student representatives are present in two bodies that have no direct links with AGEPoly: the faculty councils and the school assembly (CF and AE). Good coordination between all representatives is essential in order to best represent the interests of students. This project aims to improve the link between the representatives at the CF and the AE and the ARES/CERES system in order to coordinate the action of student representatives at all levels.


National representation

Since January 1st 2015, AGEPoly is no longer part of VSS|UNES (National Student Union of Switzerland) anymore. However, AGEPoly maintains good relations with other student associations in Switzerland, especially with its counterpart at ETH Zürich, VSETH, for subjects that concern both schools.