
Before Covid, a series of conferences with sustainability as the main theme was created by AGE Poly. A final conference on education, which had been planned, was held last year (27.02.2023) in collaboration with Convergence. The context was favorable as a working group (Sustainability for Students) focusing on these topics had just been concluded.

Two presentations were given, the first on the aforementioned working group by Prof. Dillenbourg (EPFL’s Vice President for Education), and the second, given by Prof. Ginie Servant Miklos (Professor at the University of Rotterdam specializing in education and sustainability), focused on the impact of sustainability education in engineering studies and the position of these profiles in the face of environmental issues. These presentations were followed by a roundtable discussion with the two previous speakers, Marc Muller (Engineer and self-employed in the field of sustainable buildings and construction), and Paul Castelain representing the students (Political Officer of Unipoly, Master’s graduate in Mathematics from EPFL, and currently a medical student at UNIL). 

This event was held at SPOT with their collaboration. 

AGEPoly organization: Francesca Nicoletti & Philippine Milward