A few weeks ago, AGEPoly learned of the intention of the ETH Board (ETHB), the entity overseeing the two Federal Institutes of Technology (EPF), to attempt to increase tuition fees for international students. The proposed increase aimed to triple the fee for any non-Swiss student. This request did not come from the management of EPFL or ETH Zurich; both strongly opposed it. AGEPoly also opposed this tripling of fees. Indeed, it contradicted the values of equal treatment and diversity of our school. This measure would not have helped to solve the budgetary and logistical problems currently faced at EPFL and would have only served to apply a social filter to admissions to the school, motivated mainly by political reasons.

Thus, AGEPoly worked hand in hand with VSETH (General Association of ETH Zurich Students) to produce a letter to the CEPF and arguments against this measure. Additionally, we contacted and sought advice from various internal and external entities at EPFL as well as the ETHB in an attempt to curb this increase.

Therefore, we are pleased and relieved to learn that on March 7, 2024, the ETHB decided not to triple tuition fees for students residing in Switzerland for their studies. More here : https://ethrat.ch/en/planned-cuts-in-the-eth-domain-affect-strategically-important-projects/

This made the news: https://www.letemps.ch/suisse/a-l-epfl-les-etudiants-suisses-et-etrangers-auront-toujours-le-meme-tarif