Dear student,
Having heard of irregularities in the organization of exams and the respect of the right to view exams, AGEPoly is conducting a survey in order to quantify these problems at the scale of the whole school.
If you have experienced or witnessed such problematic situations or situations that appeared problematic, do not hesitate to let us know by filling out this form.
It is extremely important to collect your feedback in order to defend the rights of students in terms of exams and exam viewing.
You will find here the Ordinance on studies evaluation at EPFL
and here the internal Directive on exams at EPFL.
These two pieces of legislation are the legal basis guaranteeing the well functioning of the organisation of exams as well as the exam viewing process.
For any other questions or problems, do not hesitate to get in touch with the student representation manager at AGEPoly at
Thank you for your feedback,
For the AGEPoly Committee,