The last General Assembly took place on March 31st 2021, at 6:15pm, on Zoom.
- Welcome and explanations of the GA’s functioning
- Election of the tellers
- General Control Committee’s Report
- Executive board activities presentation and update on the current COVID-19 situation
- Presentation of the 2019-2020 finance accounts
- Report of the auditors
- Acceptance of the finance accounts 2019-2020
- Review and discharge of the Executive Board 2019-2020
- Presentation and acceptance of the revised budget 2020-2021
Agenda explanation
Presentation of the activities of the Executive Board and update on COVID-19
The CdD presented its activities since the last General Assembly. In addition, an update was given on the consequences of the pandemic on our activities and on EPFL by summarizing the actions undertaken.
Presentation of the 2019-2020 finance accounts
Normally, at the Ordinary General Assembly in November, the CdD would have presented the accounts for the 2019-2020 financial year. In view of the particular conditions we are experiencing and for organizational reasons, the Extraordinary GA that took place on September 23, 2020 agreed that the accounts be presented at this Extraordinary GA on March 31, 2021. The final accounts for 2019-2020 were presented at this one.
The General Assembly accepted the finance accounts of 2019-2020.
Review and discharge of the 2019-2020 Executive Board
The 2019-2020 CdD presented of all their activities during their tenure, in addition to the activity report that is available in the GA materials.
The General Assembly accepted the discharge of the Executive board 2019-2020.
Presentation and acceptance of the 2020-2021 budget revision
With the events of this year, the budget had to be modified quite a bit since many events had to be cancelled.
The General Assembly accepted the revised budget of 2020-2021.
The necessary documents for this GA are available here.
The minutes will be available shortly.