AGEPoly in general
Informal group of people who's goal is to brainstorm and solve a given problem. (GT Boutique renovates the shop on Esplanade, GT Audit decides if it is of interest to AGEP to do a financial Audit)
AGEPoly includes 20 commissions dealing with specific issues. Each commission has its own board and manages its activities on its own. They propose diverse and varied activities to the community.
Documents that help formalize and trace the progress of AGEPoly's current projects
AG – General Assembly
Supreme body of the AGEPoly, gathers all its members. Elects the Executive Board, decides on the Statutes’ modifications, and decides to create or dissolve Commissions. (the complete list of the General Assembly’s competences is available in the AGEPoly statutes) It gathers at least twice a year during Ordinary General Assemblies.
The General Assembly is called upon to discuss and vote on a exceptional subject (Financial decisions, Name changes...) that cannot wait the next Ordinary General Assembly
Ensures that all the Association's activities comply with the Association's rules. It gives an advisory opinion.
Responsible for verifying the legitimacy of the Association's financial movements and processes at the end of each accounting period.
Executive control body that monitors requests to challenge the decisions and lack of decisions of the Executive Board. It has the power to block, in a binding manner and on behalf of the GA, the decisions of the CdD relating to the subject of the challenge, or to bring the subject of the challenge to the GA. The CCO cannot block the convening of a GA by the CdD.
Section delegates and the Presidency of AGEPoly commissions meet to give a positive, neutral or negative vote for next year's executive board candidates.
The option with the most votes wins, regardless of if it has more or less than 50% of the total votes
The option needs minimun 50% votes to pass.
Person elected at the start of an Assembly to count the votes.
Proposed modification, alternate formulation or addition to the current subject being voted upon. They are voted upon in the order they are submitted.