AGEPoly will hold its next Extraordinary General Assembly on Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 at 6:15 pm in CM1 3. 

We will use the voting procedures indicated in the voting procedures section.

Documents are available in the documents section below.


  1. Welcome and explanation of how the Extraordinary General Meeting works.
  2. Election of scrutineers
  3. Assessment of the 2024-2025 General Control Commission
  4. Validation of Ahmed Kamal Elalamy as 2024-2025 administrator
  5. Validation of Sylvain Nérisson as 2024-2025 IT Manager
  6. Presentation and validation of 2024-2025 budget modifications
  7. Election of a deputy to the Financial Control Commission
  8. Miscellaneous 

Voting items

  1. Validation of Ahmed Kamal Elalamy as 2024-2025 administrator
  2. Validation of Sylvain Nérisson as 2024-2025 IT Manager
  3. Presentation and validation of 2024-2025 budget modifications
  4. Election of a deputy to the Financial Control Commission

How to vote

Voting will be organized electronically. To do this, you’ll need a computer or telephone. Don’t hesitate to write to us if you can’t get one on the evening of the GA. Information on how to use the system will be given at the start of the GA. In order to vote, you have to be in person.


Between now and February 28th, 2025, documents for the GA on March 5th, 2025 will be available here.


What is a General Assembly?

What is the purpose of a General Assembly?

The General Assembly is the supreme body of AGEPoly. It gathers all its members. It elects the Executive Board, decides on the Statutes’ modifications, and decides to create or dissolve Activity Commissions (the complete list of the General Assembly’s competences is available in the AGEPoly statutes). It gathers at least twice a year during Ordinary General Assemblies.

Functioning of the General Assemblies

The General Assembly are preceded by the House of Representatives, which can refuse to add points to the agenda, and give their consultative advice on the motions and the Board candidates. It also has the power to vote on modifications of some of the AGEPoly’s regulations.


An amendment is a change directly related to the subject of the vote.

The GA can propose amendments to items. They must be accepted or rejected, and in the order in which they were submitted. As the GA is by Zoom, the collection is done via an electronic form (FramaForm), amendments that are not submitted in this way are not taken into account. Here is the procedure (to be found at all times also among the GA documents):

  1. Describe the amendment on the form available soon

  2. Raise your hand on Zoom. As soon as you have the floor you can propose the amendment orally on the item under discussion. At this point the amendment is considered to be proposed, provided it has first been submitted on the GForm.

  3. The amendment is displayed on the screen and discussed by the Assembly

The amendments will then be voted on in the order in which they were proposed.


Minutes of the last General Assemblies

Here are the minutes of previous assemblies.

Documents of the last General Assemblies

All the documents of the previous General Assemblies are available here.

Do you still have questions?

AGEPoly is always available for all EPFL students!

All questions and remarks are welcome. Do not hesitate to write an email to or pass by our office in CM 0351.