AGEPoly annually presents EPFL teachers with several awards in recognition for the excellence of their teaching, Polyspheres. The teacher receiving the most votes is awarded the “Golden Polysphere”, a prize awarded by EPFL students, and supported by EPFL Management. A prize is also awarded to the best teacher of each faculty.
Among all the distinctions which teachers can be rewarded with, for their research, publications, their discoveries, it is important not to neglect the important aspect of their career that is teaching. Teaching skills, being good at listening, being available, sharing one’s knowledge are just some of the precious qualities that make an excellent teacher.
The awards are presented at the Magistrale (ceremony of diplomas and awards), each autumn.
The winners of the year 2024 are as follows:
Golden Polysphere
Professor Karl Richter – Faculty of SB
Faculty Polyspheres
Professor Laurent Vulliet – Faculty of ENAC
Professor Emre Telatar – Faculty of IC
Professor Michele De Palma – Faculty of SV
Dr. Lionel Sofia – Faculty of STI
View the list of all past winners on the Polyspheres archive page.
Rules and Regulations
Votes for a professor are weighted according to the number of students following the courses given by that same professor and are cast via the Internet. A professor can only be elected once every three years.
The election process and the delivery of the Polyspheres are under the responsibility of the AGEPoly Executive Board, which has the obligation to inform students and to maintain the utmost discretion on the winners until the Magistrale. The Board reserves the right to modify this regulation at any time.
For more information: The official Polyspheres rules and regulations