Welcome to the AGEPnews #7!
It’s back to school: this time without any more restrictions! AGEPoly welcomes you to the spring semester, full of fun and adventure! We return alongside you and bring your usual bi-monthly summary of the latest and greatest at EPFL, so get ready. You don’t want to miss a beat!
There’s still time to sign up for Polyski, the fun-filled ski weekend open to all students organized by the AGEP! This year, it will take place from March 4 to 6, 2022 in Les Collons.
Register here, there are only a few places left!
Book Sale
The “boursobouquins” is back! It takes place from March 1 to 3 from 9 am to 5 pm in the Salle Polyvalente. Come resell and buy your course books for this semester!
Click here to register your books.
ATTENTION: You will have to come and drop off the books in the Salle Polyvalente during open hours and not at the shop!
Handisport Event
With the occasion of the Paralympic Winter Games, come and discover disabled sports and the possibilities of rehabilitation thanks to neuroscience! It will take place on March 7 from 12:15pm to 6:00pm and you will be able to attend various conferences, play Torball and Boccia and listen to testimonials from patients and neurologists. You can find more information on our Instagram.
Campus Cross
Coming back for a second edition! On April 4, the cross returns with a spring surrounding to offer you a 3.5km run across campus. More information, accompanied by a registration link is coming in the next AGEPnews.
What’s happening right now ? |
Summer in the Lab
Motivated to spend 8 weeks of paid research internship in an EPFL lab this summer? The Education Promotion Service (SPE) invites you to join its new Summer in the Lab program in order to experience research in all its intensity. More info here!
Opening of the Esplanade
The Esplanade will now be open every day from 7am to 8pm! From 7:00am to 10:15am there will be breakfast, crepes and Breton galettes from 2:30pm to 6:00pm, and an evening meal from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Come all and enjoy the new experience at Esplanade!
Stress management workshops
Are you stressed, anxious or lack sleep and concentration? The SAE (Student Affairs Service) organizes stress management workshops which can help you! There will be 4 sessions, on Tuesday March 7, 14, 21 and 18 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm on Zoom. You can find more information here.
Search for testimonials on student burn-outs
Have you ever been overwhelmed, over-stressed or simply just gave up during your studies? Did you decide to quit your studies or were you about to? Or do you know someone who has had a similar experience? UNES is looking for people willing to share these experiences. The testimonials will be used anonymously within the framework of a meeting of the Swissuniversities teaching network as an introduction and basis for discussion. Send us your experiences or your questions directly by mail to our competent committee member. Don’t forget that if you ever are in this situation, there are always reliable helpers ready for you, so don’t hesitate to call for help.
Sweater design contest results
Thank you to all the participants and congratulations to the winners! Congratulations to Esther Chatelain and Marine Ract who will soon see their sweaters at the shop! You can see the designs of the winners here.
ADHD testimonial video pilot
A first edition video of the “Let’s Talk Mental Health” format has been released on our YouTube channel! This is a testimonial from an EPFL student who tells us about his experience, in particular at EPFL, marked by his Attention Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD). Click here to watch it.
2021 Chalet set-up aftermovie
A big thank you to all the team members of AGEPoly who invest their precious time all year round. This video is an opportunity to honor them, and above all to give extra thanks to all the people who made time for the chalet assembly and the few days when the chalets were able to open before the tightening of health restrictions. Thanks to them, it was possible to offer a little comfort to the students during a difficult time period. Click here to watch it.
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