Dear student,
At our last Ordinary General Assembly (OGA held on 7 May 2024), the General Assembly took the decision to postpone the continuation and end of the Agenda initially planned, in particular the election of the new AGEPoly Board.
To accommodate the calendar, we have decided to cancel the Extraordinary General Assembly (EGM) of 14 May 2024 and to convene a new one to discuss the end of the OGA Agenda as well as that of the EGA.
We regret to announce the CANCELLATION of the EGA originally scheduled for Tuesday 14 May 2024. It will not take place and we will address its agenda at a new Extraordinary General Assembly.
We are also delighted to INVITE you to the EGA to be held on Tuesday 21 May 2024 at 6.15pm in CO3, which replaces the one held on 14 May 2024. There will of course be an aperitif afterwards!
The aim of this evening is to elect the new Association Board, made up of your representatives for the year 2024-2025. So it’s very important that you come along and vote for the people who will represent your interests at the School! We will also be discussing a revision of the 2023-2024 budget and some changes relating to our activity commissions.
- Welcome and explanation of GA procedures
- Election of scrutineers
- Presentation of AGEPoly activities since the last GA
- Election of the 2024-2025 AGEPoly Board
- Election of the 2024-2025 General Auditing Committee
- Election of the 2024-2025 Audit Committee
- Election of the 2024-2025 Operational Control Committee
- Modification of 2023-2024 budgets
- Dissolution of the CdA PolyLAN
- Change of the CdA name from ‘GnuGeneration’ to ‘gnugen’
- Miscellaneous
How to vote?
Voting will be organized electronically. You’ll need a computer or smartphone. Don’t hesitate to write to us if you can’t get one on the evening of the GA. We’ll give you all the information you need at the start of the GA.
Please note that the GA may be streamed on Youtube, but only those presenting points will be filmed. Please note that this does not allow you to intervene or vote, only to watch the debates!
As a member of AGEPoly, don’t hesitate to send us your questions, comments or suggestions, which are essential to our work ;-).
On that note, we hope to see you at this AGE, and don’t forget that AGEPoly is your association – you’re a member!
The AGEPoly Board,