Welcome to AGEPNews #1 !
AGEPNews is THE link you will have with AGEPoly which keeps you updated on all our events on a bi-monthly basis. And to be sure you’re not missing out on anything : FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @agepoly
What’s happening right now ? |
Movie Screening : GreenBook
On Wednesday
12th October, AGEPoly is organising a screening of GreenBook in CO2 at 7pm. La séance est gratuite ! During the intermission, we will serve snacks and beverages. See you there 😉 !
Health Days
The Health Days are back on campus! The Cross will take place on 10th October, with a 3.8km and 7.6km route. From 11th to 14th October, we will offer several free health assessments: general movement test, cardiovascular tests, and antropometry test. We also organise other activities such as outdoor training, meditation… Sign up here!
Hiring Representation Team
Do you want to become volonteer for AGEPoly? The representation team is still hiring! More info here.
Hiring Sports Team
The sports team is also hiring ! Do you love sports and want to organise events? Come check here! |
Hiring Communication Team
The communication team is also searching for some last volonteers, especially for social media management. |
Screening and Round-Table with Club Montagne
Come to the screening on October 18th in CM1 at 6pm! This screening will be followed by a round-table discussion and an aperitif with the student producers, a skier, a scientifique, and all other participants.
Alive and live !
Musical is already doing live music! To join the committee, come on Thursday October 6th (7pm, CE 1 103)! Coming up: concert for the tattoo convention on October 28th (6pm-12am, palais de Beaulieu, 12.- student pricing) and Jam Sat on Novembre 7th (after 8pm). Instagram: @epfl_musical
Dame Blanche is back!
If you want to discover chess while finding new friends, look no further! Come on Tuesdays and Thursdays in CM 1 105 to discover this game and the courses we organise. See you soon! 🙂
RESCO contest
To capture new photos of EPFL’s restaurants, Club Photo and EPFL’s RESCO unit organises a contest. The goal ? Select a student to photograph the campus’ restaurants and shops. All Welcome ! photo.epfl.ch/concours-resco/
Parlons Santé Mentale #3
In this third video of the AGEPoly prevention project «Parlons Santé Mentale», Pierre, an EPFL student, shares his experience with borderline personality disorder. He explaines the warning signs, his struggles, his diagnostic, and what helps him today.
EPFL’s Adobe Discount
The reduced price is 63.55 CHF per semester! To take advantage of the discount, look here.